"Rhetoric of Memes" The JUMP v5.2: Critical Pedagogy and New Media Literacies (2014)
"Rhetoric of Memes" The JUMP v5.2: Critical Pedagogy and New Media Literacies (2014)
Simone Sessolo
About JUMP: The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects is an electronic journal dedicated to providing an outlet for the excellent digital/multimedia projects occurring in undergraduate courses around the globe, and to providing a pedagogical resource for teachers working with (or wanting to work with) "new media." The journal is designed to be not only a repository for quality multimedia scholarship—bringing together some of the most rhetorically creative and rhetorically impactful works produced/composed by our undergraduates—but also, unlike its digital brethren (i.e., megarepositories like YouTube), it seeks to also offer a critical perspective.