If you’re an entrepreneur or business owner, getting things done is incredibly important. You have to have vision, you have to plan, and you have to work with great people. But if you never move into action, all of the plans, visions, and staff in the world won’t save you.

Don’t confuse being busy with getting things accomplished. It’s possible to work an absurd number of hours without actually making much progress. Unfortunately, being busy is much easier than being productive. So here are 20 tips for making sure you’re actually getting the work done.

1. Know where you are and where you want to be.

You need to know both where you are and what you want to accomplish every day. This is not that bulky business plan you never look at. This is about knowing what should happen every single day and which of these tasks will move the needle most for your business.

2. Get enough sleep.

This cannot be overstated. If you’re exhausted, you won’t get as much done and you’ll make more mistakes. Whether you choose to rise early or work late and sleep in, make sure you get enough rest.

3. Get fit.

Getting fit can make a big difference in your productivity and perspective. Making simple, small changes in regards to your physical activity can improve your business and your life, as well as help you get more done and ultimately reach your goals.

4. Take steps toward a deadline.

When you’re moving your projects toward completion, you’re doing real, important work. If you spend an hour organizing your inbox, what have you accomplished?

5. Use a prioritized checklist.

By having a list of all that needs to be done, with the most important projects first, you’ll set yourself up for success. Checking off tasks is satisfying, and you’ll ensure the key ones aren’t forgotten.

6. Don’t overcommit.

This is a great tip from Lifehack. Not only should you not overcommit in a single day, but you should also carefully monitor your overall workload. Don’t be afraid to say no sometimes.

7. Close social media.

Close Facebook, Twitter, and anything else that distracts you. If you want to get work done, you’ll need to cut off the avenues you use to procrastinate.

8. Forget multitasking.

Multiple studies, including one using MRI images from the University of Michigan, show that effective multitasking is a myth. The brain switches tasks quickly, but too much switching decreases concentration and increases mistakes.


Read the full article "20 Tips for Getting More Done Every Day" at Time.