2020-21 Micah Pollens-Dempsey
Fall 2020, PHIL 426/Rich Thomason: "David Lewis' Use Theory and Figurative Language"
2015–16 John Petrie
Winter 2016, PHIL 481/David Manley: "Relation W: A Challenge to Derek Parfit's View of What Matters in Survival"
2011–12 Abraham Morrison
Fall 2011, PHIL 443/Jim Joyce: "Knowledge, Reasons, and Rationality"
2010–11 Brian Hooven
Fall 2010, PHIL 430/Fritz Allhof, visiting professor: "Torture and Supreme Emergencies"
2010–11 Jeffery L. McMahan
Fall 2010, PHIL 426/Rich Thomason: "The Uniqueness Account of 'the'"
2010–11 Shai Madjar
Winter 2011, PHIL 402/Eric Swanson: "Causation, Responsibility, and the Definitional Fallacy"
2009–10 Thomas Scott-Railton
Fall 2009, PHIL 383/David Manley: "Compatibilism and Schizophrenia"
2009–10 Dylan Vollans
Fall 2009, PHIL 402/Craige Roberts,visiting professor: “Resisting Expressivism”
2009–10 Shai Madjar
Winter 2010, PHIL 409/Eric Swanson: “The Practice of Referring”
2007–08 Chris Detjen
Fall 2007, "Rawls in the Age of Floods: Ensuring Climate Justice Through Time and Space" (Phil 442 / Elizabeth Anderson)
2007–08 Kellen Malstrom
Winter 2008, “Berkeley’s Distinction between Real and Imaginary Things” (Phil 389 / Louis Loeb)
2006–07 Joseph Uppal
Fall 2006, "Just Three Simple Concepts: the Noumenon, Transcendental Object, and Thing in Itself in Kant's Critique of Pure Reason" (Phil 458 / Ian Proops)
2006–07 Adam Rigoni
Winter 2007, "Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing: Russell's Ontological Commitments in the Principles of Mathematics As Elucidated by His Discussion of 'Nothing' " (Phil 458 / Ian Proops)
2005–06 Jeffrey J. Fisher
Fall 2005, "Error In the Fourth and Sixth Meditations" (Phil 463 / Louis Loeb)
2005–06 Adam Rigoni
Fall 2005, "An Examination of Descartes' View on Infinite Regresses" (Phil 463 / Louis Loeb)
2005–06 Victor Szabo
Fall 2005, "Music and Emotional Response" (Phil 437 / Kendall Walton)
2005–06 Mark Osmond
Winter 2006, "Humanitarian Intervention as a Moral Duty" (Phil 402 / Elizabeth Anderson)
2005–06 Adam Rigoni
Winter 2006, "von Fintel on the King of France" (Phil 615 / Ian Proops)
2005–06 Christopher Zbrozek
Winter 2006, "Globalization and Domestic Inequality" (Phil 402 / Elizabeth Anderson)
2003–04 Nicolas Bommarito
Fall 2003, "An Evaluation of Dissimulation in Descartes' Meditations" (Phil 463 / Louis Loeb)
2003–04 Andrew Hoffman
Fall 2003, "The Scope of the Doubt in the Third Section of Meditations on First Philosophy" (Phil 463 / Louis Loeb)
2002–03 David Baker
Fall 2002, "Spacetime Ontology and Einstein’s Cosmological Constant" (Phil 401 / Jessica Wilson)
2002–03 David Baker
Winter 2003, "Atomism and the Part-Whole Relation for Kant’s Noumena" (Phil 458 / Ian Proops)
2001–02 Seth Yalcin
Fall 2001, "Pretense and Metaphysics" (Phil 402 / Kendall Walton)
2001–02 Ryo Kikuchi
Winter 2002, "Personal Identity and the Problem of Continuity of Consciousness" (Phil 402 / Ian Proops)
2000–01 Joseph R. Dwaihy
Fall 2000, "Kant's Differing Accounts of freedom in Groundwork III" (Phil 361 / Stephen Darwall)
2000–01 Joseph R.Dwaihy
Winter 2001, "Natural Kinds and Necessary Identity" (Phil 481 / Thomas Hofweber)
2000–01 Seth Yalcin
Winter 2001, "In Defense of Darwinian Teleofunctional Approaches to Language" (Phil 402 / Allan Gibbard)
1999–00 Seth Yalcin
Fall 1999 (No other information available)
1999–00 Grace Lim
Winter 2000, "King Gyges: Vicious Rascal or Enlightened Knave?" (Phil 433 / Stephen Darwall)
1998–99 Matthew L. Jones
Fall 1998, "On the Instrumental and Intrinsic Value of Friends" (Phil 388 / Stephen Everson)
1998–99 Leah A. duMouchel
Fall 1998, "Pleasure and Principle: A Response to Julia Annas" (Phil 388 / Stephen Everson)
1998–99 Aaron P. Sherman
Winter 1999, "In the Direction of Value-Orientation: A Response to William Alston" (Phil 480 / Edwin Curley)
1997–98 Douglas Yatter
Fall 1997, "A Rational Basis: A Critical Evaluation of Kant’s Explanation of the Binding Force of Morality, and a Comparison with Mill’s Argument to the Same End?" (Phil 361 / Stephen Darwall)
1997–98 Matthew Buckley
Fall 1997, "Mill and Aristotle: How Much Do They Differ?" (Phil 361 / Stephen Darwall)
1997–98 Susan Amrose
Winter 1998, "More Brains in Vats?" (Phil 383 / James Joyce)
1996–97 Kyla Ebels
"Immorality Is Irrational: Kant's Defense of the Categorical Imperative"(Phil 361 / Stephen Darwall)