Our own Kristie Dotson has been awarded the 2023 Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prize for philosophical achievement and contribution together with Susanna Siegal. The prize, which is awarded by the Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦBK) in conjunction with the American Philosophical Association (APA), “is presented to a pair of philosophers who hold contrasting (not necessarily opposing) views of an important philosophical question that is of current interest both to the field and to an educated public audience. The associated Lebowitz symposium is presented annually at an APA divisional meeting. To promote the discipline of philosophy to wider audiences, ΦBK also sponsors a public presentation featuring the prize winners”, according to the APA. In connection with this award, Kristie and Susanna will be presenting their lectures on the topic, Norms of Attention, at the January 2024 Eastern Division Meeting of the APA.