David Manley, Institute for the Humanities Fellow 2012-13
Assistant Professor David Manley has been awarded an Institute for the Humanities University of Michigan Faculty Fellowship. The U-M Institute for the Humanities forms an intellectual community of faculty and graduate student fellows who will spend a year in residence in the institute, pursuing their research and participating in a cross-disciplinary, non-public weekly seminar. David will spend the 2012-13 academic year in residence at the Institute. David’s project is "Method in metaphysics: The semantics and subject matter of metaphysical inquiry." Its aim is to provide: (i) a critique of the some of the working assumptions behind contemporary metaphysical debates, (ii) a theory about the relationship between metaphysics and the semantics of natural language, and (iii) a set of positive proposals for metaphysical methodology.
University of Michigan Record Update 5.17.2012: David Manley, Norman and Jane Katz Faculty Fellow 2012-2013, Institute for the Humanities