Elizabeth Anderson named Director of new interdisciplinary Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE)
Professor Elizabeth Anderson has been named the founding Director of the Program in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE). The new PPE concentration aims to offer rigorous, integrated, interdisciplinary training for undergraduate students who are interested in exploring questions that lie at the intersection of philosophy, political science, and economics. The program will stress analytic rigor and critical reasoning, and is unique in combining normative inquiry, empirical methods, and formal tools of analysis. The PPE Inter-Departmental Steering Committee includes: Elizabeth Anderson (Chair), William J. Adams (Professor of Economics), Robert Franzese (Professor of Political Science) and Eric Lormand (Associate Professor of Philosophy). Pending approval by the Presidents' Council of the State Universities of Michigan, students will be able to apply to the new program concentration in Winter 2012 and declare a PPE concentration in Fall 2012. The formal application process will be announced in January. Interested students should keep their eye out for the new PPE website for further information.