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Statement of Values

Michigan Philosophy has a core commitment to building and maintaining a strong intellectual community in which everyone is safe, supported, and valued, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, religious or political affiliation, area of study, or career path. This commitment provides that basis for the following statement of values and related norms that serve to guide all aspects of departmental life. There are three general values that provide guidance for professional interactions among members of our philosophical community: 

1.   Be respectful
2.  Be inclusive
3.  Be constructive

Due to their generality, these values are flexible enough to take into account relevant differences in different contexts of application. Of course, this sort of flexibility allows for disagreements in particular cases about whether or not certain behaviors count as respectful, inclusive, or constructive. In addressing such cases, it is important to strive to determine how reasonable people should view the behaviors and to be respectful when disagreement persists.

The statement of values was adopted by the faculty in the University of Michigan Philosophy department in May 2024. The statement is available in its entirety, with explanations and examples.