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Dead yet Alive! The Resurrection of Cappadocian (Asia Minor Greek)

Thursday, November 7, 2013
5:00 AM
Classics Library, Angell Hall, Room 2175

In 2005 Hellenist and linguist Mark Janse discovered speakers of the Misiótika dialect of Cappadocian (Asia Minor Greek), a language until then believed to have died out in the 1960s.

Mark Janse is BOF-ZAP Research Professor in Ancient & Asia Minor Greek at Ghent University and a Fellow of Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies . His research interests span the entire history of the Greek language from Homer to Asia Minor Greek. His work on Cappadocian has earned him a special status in Cappadocian communities, honorary memberships of Cappadocian societies and a documentary entitled Last Words (seriousFilm, 2013).
