Mark S. Schantz is an American historian with capacious interests in the social, cultural, and religious history of the United States. He earned his BA in History from The George Washington University (Phi Beta Kappa), an M. Div. from Yale University Divinity School, and a doctorate in American History from Emory University. Among his publications are Piety in Providence: The Class Dimensions of Religious Experience in Antebellum Rhode Island (2000) and Awaiting the Heavenly Country: The Civil War and America’s Culture of Death (2008). He is currently working on a book exploring the assassination of Lt. Alanson L. Sanborn, a Union Army officer, in occupied Norfolk, Virginia, by Dr. David M. Wright, one of the town’s most well-respected physicians, in July 1863. When he’s not teaching or writing history, you might find him playing the guitar (a true passion), pretending to work out at the gym, walking dogs, or spending time at home with family.