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History Honors

Class of 2024 History Honors students. (Photo: Sean Carter)


History Honors is designed for majors who want to do advanced research and write an extensive thesis on a topic of their choice under the direct supervision of a history professor.

Honors Admission Requirements

Admission to the program is limited. Decisions are based on a student’s academic record, background in history, demonstrated ability to write, and recommendations by faculty or GSIs. The usual applicant is a first-term junior. Applicants do NOT need to be a member of the LSA Honors Program, nor do they need to be planning on a career as professional historians.

To be considered for admission, students must have at least a 3.5 GPA in history courses and a 3.4 GPA overall; high GPA alone does not guarantee admission. In exceptional cases, this rule may be waived. The selection committee will strive to ensure that many different topics, places, languages, and time periods are represented among those accepted. The results of the selection process are announced in mid-November, in time for those chosen to register for History 498 in the winter term.

Honors Application

The application for History Honors opens in mid-September and is due the Wednesday following Fall Break. An email will be sent to all History majors in early September announcing the opening of the application. 

Honors Symposium

History Honors culminates with the annual Honors Symposium, the Friday before spring commencement. At the symposium, the honors students present their thesis research to an audience composed of their thesis advisors, family, and friends. Thanks to the generosity of donors and alumni, the History Department has a number of awards for outstanding thesis writing and the best oral presentation. These are presented at the symposium (view past winners).

Help with Navigating the Libraries

Maura Seale is the dedicated History librarian, with special expertise in history, digital history, and digital humanities. She is happy to consult about research and resources.