Season 1, Episode 2: Recording the Family: In Search of the Sonic Archive
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- Reverb Effect Podcast
- Season 1, Episode 1: Street Harassment, Then and Now
- Season 1, Episode 2: Recording the Family: In Search of the Sonic Archive
- Season 1, Episode 3: Evidence of Absence: Lilli Segal, the KGB, and the AIDS Crisis
- Season 1, Episode 4: Archive Magic: Assembling History, One Clue at a Time
- Season 1, Episode 5: Capacity Matters: Immigrant Prisons in the United States
- Season 1, Episode 6: Policing Gold: Law Enforcement in the Shadow of the LA Olympics
- Season 1, Episode 7: Archie Bunker for President!
- Season 2, Episode 1: Revival and Reckoning: A Colonial Museum in Postcolonial Italy
- Season 2, Episode 2: The Unnatural Vice: King Henri III, Sodomy, and Modern Masculinity
- Season 2, Episode 3: Envisioning Eternity: Women and Purgatory in the Seventeenth-Century Spanish World
- Season 2, Episode 4: Mother Caravan: Disappearance and Resistance along the Migrant Trail
- Season 2, Episode 5: A Prison by Any Other Name: Imagining Childhood Criminality in 1920s Chicago
- Season 2, Episode 6: Surviving Patriarchal Violence at Home: Incest Victims in the Progressive Era
- Season 3, Episode 1: Music Time in Africa
- Season 3, Episode 2: Navigating Pregnancy: A Century of Prenatal Care
- Season 3, Episode 3: The Real Housewives of Medieval London
- Season 3, Episode 4: The Two Monsieurs
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Historians have long searched for the “voices” of the past, crafting stories past actors might have told from the records they leave behind. They sift through endless boxes of old letters, reports, memos, maps, photos, blueprints, and testimonies. But what are the chances the historian will hear the literal voice of a historical actor they study?
Dr. J. Martin Vest pieces together the history of a family that, instead of writing letters, used nineteenth-century wax cylinder recordings to correspond across the country. In this often-obscured part of the history of recording, we learn how in the same way a family might settle into the parlor and listen to a popular music record, they might also record themselves at their most intimate moments, for an audience on a much smaller scale.
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Historian Biographies
J. Martin Vest is a historian of nineteenth and twentieth century United States. His research and teaching focuses are cultural history, the history of science, technology and medicine, the history of sound and the senses, and the history of capitalism. His current book project, “Vox Machinae: Phonographs and the Birth of Sonic Modernity,” explores the evolution of early sound recording and playback technologies, from the phonograph exhibitions of 1877-1878, through the rise of the home phonograph market after 1900, paying particular attention to the entanglements of phonographic technology with popular understandings of sound, hearing, and social difference. His more recent work looks at the shifting medical, scientific, and commercial understanding of vision and hearing in the late nineteenth century.
Production Credits
Segment Producers: J. Martin Vest
Host and Season Producer: Daniela Sheinin
Executive Producer: Gregory Parker
Editorial Board: Gregory Parker, Daniela Sheinin, Melanie Tanielian, Matt Villeneuve
Presented by the University of Michigan Department of History
© 2019 Regents of the University of Michigan
Image: Museo nazionale della scienza e della tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci, Milano, CC BY-SA 4.0.