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Faculty Workshop with Alex Potts

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
4:00 AM
180 Tappan Hall, 855 S. University

Note: This event is by invitation only.

This term a Research Workshop has been arranged where History of Art faculty will be giving informal presentations on their work to faculty and graduate students in the department as well as other invited guests. Two events have been scheduled on Wednesday evenings in Tappan 180 either at 4pm or 6pm. These times have been chosen so as to clash as little as possible with people’s teaching commitments and regular departmental meetings.


Alex Potts ‘The Image Valued “As Found” and the Reconfiguring of Mimesis in Modern Art’

The talk derives in part from research I did on postwar art for my book Experiments in Modern Realism. While not strictly speaking work in progress, it will be exploring a new direction I am taking in my current work on earlier naturalism and realism. An essay on mimesis I published recently will be pre-circulated. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014; 4PM:

Joan Kee ‘On Some Properties Land Art Claims: Christo's “Running Fence”’

Rather than a formal talk, this presentation will be more akin to a manuscript workshop. About one week prior, a pre-circulated PDF draft will be made available.  After offering brief remarks about my goals and current challenges, the presentation will open up to general discussion concerning the paper.
