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Department Iniatives

Exploring Careers Beyond Academia...and Lunch!

PIs often have trainees who have professional goals outside of academia, but (because of their own career trajectories) often have little experience in how to help trainees achieve those goals. To help rectify this imbalance, grad students Juanita Pardo SanchezJulia Eckberg, and Prof. Gideon Bradburd created the Exploring Careers Beyond Academia, and Lunch (ECBAL) seminar series, which is supported by UM EEB with the invaluable guidance of the department's Grad Coordinators. 

In each seminar, a speaker (often an alum of the UM EEB program) who has gone on to a career outside of the "traditional" academic path comes to speak about their job: what it's like, how they got there, and advice for current students/postdocs interested in pursuing a similar career.  Lunch is provided! 

These seminars are also recorded and are available to all current UM students and postdocs. If you have any suggestions of folks you'd like to bring in as speakers, please reach out to Prof. Bradburd, Juanita Pardo Sanchez, and Julia Eckberg! 

Black in Science 
We are natural scientists across campus who identify as Black or affected by the African diaspora, and their allies, who gather together for seminars, field trips, and other social and professional events. Our goal is to foster inter-college community among Black students, trainees, staff, and faculty in the natural sciences with a focus on empowerment. By connecting natural scientists across related disciplines, we expand social and professional networks and increase visibility of Black scientists, while centering the Black experience on UM campus.