Hiring Department: Department of Afroamerican & African Studies


Location: Department of Afroamerican & African Studies

4700 Haven Hall, 505 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1045

(734) 764-5513 office / (734) 763-0543 fax


Appointment Period: Fall Term 2012


Course Name(s):  AAS 111, Introduction to Africa and Its Diaspora, introduces students to the study of African people, their forced dispersal and voluntary migrations across the globe, and the complex and changing nature of the relationship between Africans and their descendants outside the continent.  The course takes a multimedia, interdisciplinary approach to a range of historical, expressive, political, and cultural questions crucial to understanding the experiences of people of African descent. Drawing upon a variety of texts and other sources, AAS 111 explores major themes that link Africans in the Americas, the Caribbean, and Europe while also exposing the issues that divide them.


Description of Duties:GSIs appointed to this position are expected to attend all lectures and all of their assigned discussion sections; be at lectures and their discussion sections on time; attend and be prepared for weekly planning meetings (complete the readings and have plans/ideas for how to run discussion sections); complete tasks assigned by instructors on time.  GSIs are responsible for grading all assignments and examinations and they bear the primary responsibility for computing final grades.  Grading must be completed in a timely fashion.  GSIs are expected to provide feedback to students.   GSIs must post regular weekly office hours and they are expected to be at the location specified for office hours on time and for the duration of office hours.  If GSIs have to set up equipment, etc. for lectures or their own discussion sections, they are expected to accomplish what is necessary early enough to assure that lectures/discussions can begin on time.  GSIs are expected to keep attendance records for their discussion sections and a careful record of students’ grades.  The pay period runs from September 4, 2012 – December 20, 2012.  All GSIs must be ready to assume their responsibilities in the course beginning September 4, 2012.


Estimated FTE:Three positions with .50 fraction.  Each GSI is responsible for two discussion sections with enrollment limits of 25.


Min Qualifications: Prior teaching experience in DAAS or related courses is preferred but not required.  Familiarity with and course work at the graduate level dealing with the general subject matter of the course are considered very important, as is evidence of effective teaching and the ability to work well with students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds.


Selection Criteria:Candidates will be evaluated for these positions based on the strength of their application.  Submit a letter of application stating your interest in this position and outlining relevant academic and personal experience suiting you for it.  Include the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of at least two faculty members with whom you have worked who can serve as references. If you have held prior GSI positions, please list the contact information for the faculty members with whom you worked most recently (no more than two).  Curriculum vitae, a list of relevant coursework and grades received in those courses.  Former GSIs at the University of Michigan should attach summary sheets from teaching evaluations. Send information to Katherine Weathers (weatherk@umich.edu).


Selection Process:The three GSIs for AAS 111 will be selected by DAAS faculty and final approval will come from the DAAS Executive Committee.


Application Deadline:April 2, 2012

Decision Making Date:April 13, 2012   

Late Process:N/A

End Posting Date:April 2, 2012