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Program Overview and Requirements

Program Overview

Elevate your college experience with Bridge Scholars Plus! Exclusive to first-year students in the Summer Bridge Scholars Program, this vibrant living-learning program taps into scholars’ full range of identities, knowledge, and experiences to develop innovations for social challenges that matter most to them. In collaboration with optiMize, BSP empowers scholars to make a meaningful impact in the world. 

Building on the community you created over the summer, we welcome you to gain a competitive edge through tailored resources and connections that will help you to excel academically, build foundational skills, and form lasting friendships. Immerse yourself in a supportive environment where you'll thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

Program Requirements

By joining BSP, you are committing to the following expectations and opportunities:

BSP Scholars will sign-up for most opportunities via Sessions@Michigan.

  • Enrollment in CSP 121 - Bridge Scholars Plus: Why Not Me? Creating Innovative Social Change (2 credits, fall semester only)
  • Schedule a 30-minute community check-in with the Coordinator of Bridge Scholars Plus during the fall and winter semesters
  • BSP Programming Series: 
    • Attend and actively participate in at least one (1) of three Dinner and Discussion events each semester
    • Attend and actively participate in at least one (1) BSP community building event each semester
  • Attend and actively participate in at least two (2) BSP Resident Advisor community building activities each semester
  • BSP Program participants must reside in South Quad Residence Hall
  • Adhere to the expectations outlined in the Community Living at Michigan (CLAM) and the Statement of Student Rights and Responsibilities

Please note: Program requirements and active participation are necessary to remain within the BSP community.

*Program requirements may change slightly, with notice, up to the first day of fall classes.