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November 2020 - Isabella Jabra

November 2020

Isabella Jabra

BA International Studies (Political Economy and Development); BA Spanish ‘19

Hometown: Troy, MI

University of Michigan Affiliations: Delta Gamma

“As a child of immigrant parents, language, culture and travel have always had huge influences on my life. Despite not being able to study abroad as an undergraduate student, I made it my mission to move and work abroad after graduating. I wanted to understand the foreign influence and perspective that my parents and their ancestors have on my very “Americanized” upbringing. 

After graduating, I moved to Madrid to teach English to 4-12 year olds through the Auxiliares de Conversación program. I am thankful for the program for giving me the opportunity to work abroad and gain life experience that I wouldn’t otherwise have had in the U.S. (check out my website about my experience!). After coming home from Spain due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I received a job offer in Los Angeles doing work in international trade and supply chain. I aspire to be an international trade attorney one day and attribute my background and passion for this due to the Program in International and Comparative Studies education I was exposed to at Michigan. I truly don’t know where I would be today without PICS.”