- What is Comp Lit?
- Advising and Declaring
- Courses
- Curriculum Overview
- Attendance and Waitlist Policies
- Grade Grievance Policy
- Course Gallery
- Directed Reading/Independent Study
- Student Spotlights
- Major in Comparative Literature, Arts, and Media
- Major in Translation
- Minor in Translation Studies
- First Year Writing Prize
- Senior Prize in Literary Translation
- Transfer Students
- Transfer Credit
- Accelerated MA Program in Transcultural Studies
- Comp Lit Plagiarism Statement
- Recommendation Requests
- Activities
- Peer Mentors
Attendance Policy
Enrolled students must attend BOTH the first and second class meetings in order to secure a position on the class roster. Failure to attend either meeting may result in your being dropped from the course to allow a student from the waitlist to enroll.
For COMPLIT 122, 141, and 241, no new enrollments will be allowed after the fourth class meeting. For other courses, enrollment after the fourth class meeting is at the instructor’s discretion.
Waitlists and Permissions
For all classes, the Department uses the electronic waitlist system once the class fills. Students seeking to enroll in an already full class can put their names on a waitlist through the on-line registration system (Wolverine Access). A waitlist number will appear on the student’s schedule indicating their sequence spot on the electronic waitlist. Departmental staff monitor enrollment and work with instructors to apply appropriate departmental policies to determine which, if any, students are accepted into the class from this list once it is full and waitlisted. Priority on the waitlist may be determined not by sequential order but by the Departmental policies indicated below.
Waitlist priorities in COMPLIT 141:
Priority for enrollment from the waitlist will go to students who have not fulfilled the first-year writing requirement.
Waitlist priorities in COMPLIT 322 and COMPLIT 323:
- CompLit Majors and Translation Studies Minors with Junior or Senior Standing
- International Studies Majors or Minors with Junior or Senior Standing
- Students majoring or minoring in foreign languages or area studies
- All other undergraduate students in order of sequence on the waitlist
Permission Procedures
If you are on the waitlist for a course, you do not need to contact the instructor to request an override. If a seat becomes available, and a permission to enroll is granted, the student will receive an email with registration information from Wolverine Access. After receiving permission, students must add the class via Wolverine Access to become officially enrolled. In all cases, it is the student’s responsibility to insure that they are properly enrolled in a course by the expiration date.