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2022 MICHHERS Program Participants

The department of Comparative Literature participates in Rackham Graduate School’s Michigan Humanities Emerging Research Scholars Program (MICHHERS) program.



This program is designed to encourage rising seniors, recent B.A.s and terminal master’s students from diverse cultural, economic, geographic, and ethnic backgrounds who are United States citizens, permanent residents, or non-U.S. citizens with DACA to consider pursuing a doctoral degree in the humanities at the University of Michigan. Our goal is to attract diverse scholars with unique experiences who foster innovation and push the humanities to meet today’s challenges.

Participants will have the opportunity to work on a piece of their own scholarship or develop a research project in consultation with U-M faculty and graduate students in their field. Attention will also be given to articulating the importance of diversity to the development of the humanities. Students will receive practical instruction on applying to graduate school, have an opportunity to participate in sample seminars and learn about various career paths for PhDs within and beyond academia.