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Advances in Eastern European Prehistory Symposium

Saturday, February 20, 2016
5:00 AM
411 West Hall

The purpose of this day-long symposium is to 1) introduce new and innovative research on Eastern European prehistory, 2) create a forum for discussion between leading scholars and University of Michigan students, and 3) provide novel opportunities for collaborative  research.

The University of Michigan is a well-established leader in the discipline of Archaeology,  and more recently, has also been at the forefront of the rapidly growing field of Eastern European prehistory. This symposium will enhance our department’s position by bringing together top scholars from around the country with UM students and faculty, showcasing new research and providing a forum for open and in-depth discussion of key issues. Currently, six invited lecturers are scheduled to give talks, as well as three UM faculty members and six graduate students. Eleven UM undergraduates from multiple departments will also be presenting posters on their own research projects (see participant list). Invitations have been sent out to other institutions and we expect a number of additional participants and attendees.

This symposium will not only highlight cutting-edge research, but also will provide an opportunity for students to gain experience presenting their work at academic conferences, which is a critical skill for future success. In addition to formal lectures and posters, we have scheduled ample time for questions and general discussion sessions to facilitate the exchange of ideas and to provide a setting for students to interact one-on-one with distinguished scholars. This provides a unique opportunity for research development and the potential to create new collaborations.

This topic is of broad appeal as it touches on issues concerning not only Archaeology, but also Anthropology, Classics/IPCAA, History, European and International Studies, and various sciences. This is underscored by the range of departments represented by student participants. We anticipate significant attendance from diverse disciplines.