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UMMA Brown Bag: "Finding Archaeological Sites on Submerged Landscapes in the Great Lakes Basin" - Lisa Sonnenburg

Thursday, September 18, 2014
4:00 AM
209 Ruthven Museums Bldg

The University of Michigan Museum of Anthropological Archaeology would like to invite you to the third Brown Bag Lecture of the 2014-2015 Academic year. The lecture will be given by Dr. Lisa Sonnenberg, Research Associate at UMMAA and the Michigan Anthropology department on her recent work.The lecture will occur Thursday from 12:00-1:00pm in Ruthven 2009.

Finding Archaeological Sites on Submerged Landscapes in the Great Lakes Basin

    Most archaeological research in the Great Lakes focuses largely on the record available from terrestrial archaeological sites. Terrestrial archaeological sites alone do not provide a complete record of human adaptation as large tracts of prehistoric and historic coastlines and adjacent terrestrial landscapes have been inundated by fluctuating water-levels. These now submerged landscapes are of tremendous archaeological importance, as well-preserved evidence of early human migration, settlement patterns, subsistence strategies and historic settlements exists in these contexts.
    Much of the Great Lakes watershed has high potential for submerged archaeological sites due to water level changes during deglaciation and as a result of Holocene climate change. These water-level fluctuations, both natural and human-induced have inundated archaeological sites from 10,000 years ago until the late 19th century. This talk will focus on three areas of research where submerged archaeological sites have been located using methods from the earth sciences and archaeology. These sites range from 19th century homesteads to the earliest hunting structures in the world.