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“Filming the Future of Detroit” film selected for Short Film Competition

Saturday, June 7, 2014
4:00 AM
Detroit Film Theater at the Detroit Institute of the Arts and the Michigan Theater

A film from Damani Partridge an dand Silvana Santarmia's “Filming the Future of Detroit” course was selected for the “Detroit Voices: Short Film Competition”

Detroit Street Art by Sam Saunders, one of the films from Damani Partridge and and Silvana Santarmia's “Filming the Future of Detroit” project/course was selected for the “Detroit Voices: Short Film Competition” as part of the Cinetopia International Film Festival.  This 7 minute film that explores the difference between beauty and vandalism of some of Detroit’s graffiti  will be screened at the Detroit Film Theater at the Detroit Institute of the Arts on Saturday, June 7 at 4 PM and on Sunday, June 8 at 8 PM.  There will be another screening in Ann Arbor on Sunday, June 8 at 3:30 PM in the Michigan Theater.  

An official link to the festival can be found here: