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Arts & Expression in Pakistan Conference

Friday, April 4, 2014
4:00 AM
1644 School of Social Work Bldg

The Pakistani Students’ Association Conference is an annual, social event established by the organization to showcase a cultural aspect of Pakistan and its influence around the world. This year’s theme is Arts & Expression in Pakistan, hence it will be centered on the impact of art on the cultural scene in Pakistan. It will consist of two different panels: one on literature and one on the arts. Speakers will be coming from Karachi, Pakistan as well as other parts of the world to discuss how their work reflects social issues and comments on Pakistan today.

The conference is free admission, because we want to make sure that every student has accessibility to coming to the event. We will have a documentary screening after the dinner, followed by a Q&A as well as a short reception. The documentary, These Birds Walk, directed by Omar Mullick and Bassam Tariq focuses on the struggles of wayward street children from Karachi, Pakistan. It revolves around Omar and the samartians looking out for these children such as, the Edhi Home & Ambulance Foundation who look at this ethereal and inspirational story of resilience. Our mission for this event is to make this event accessible to every student and as rich in its flavor as possible.

Contact Person: Zain Khan (
Alternate Contact Person: Nida Javid (