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Roundtable discussion about Latino immigration issues and information session regarding the Undocumented Migration Project Summer Field School

Wednesday, January 23, 2013
5:00 AM
Space 2435 North Quad, 105 S. State St.

Roundtable discussion about Latino immigration issues and information session regarding the Undocumented Migration Project Summer Field School

Are you interested in Latino immigration, anthropology, or doing fieldwork in Arizona this summer for credit?

If so, please join us for a roundtable discussion with immigration scholars and University of Michigan students who have participated in the Undocumented Migration Project Summer Field School and learn about field school opportunities for the summer of 2013. Additional info here.

Who?: Jason De León (Assistant Professor of Anthropology and director of the Undocumented Migration Project), Robin Reineke (Anthropologist, Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner), Kathryn Ferguson (Tucson-based Writer and Filmmaker, Tucson Samaritans), various University of Michigan Graduate and Undergraduate Students who work on the Undocumented Migration Project.

Why?: This roundtable is part of a series of events associated with the opening of the Institute for Humanities exhibit “State of Exception” that highlights the desert crossing experiences of undocumented migrants on their journey into the U.S.