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Contemporary Topics and Multidisciplinary Writing


Anthropologist Mary Douglas famously said that dirt is “matter out of place.” The things we regard as trash, as something we excise from the place we occupy, reveal much about the kaleidoscopic ways we decide what no longer belongs in our space.

In this course, we will approach contemporary conversations about trash in a multidisciplinary and multimodal manner. By multidisciplinary, I mean that we will fruitfully examine trash across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and STEMs. By multimodal, I mean we will approach our topic by examining myriad artifacts across different mediums, from scientific journal articles to webcomics to podcasts to infographics and more! We will carefully consider not just our personal involvement in waste systems, but how we are implicated institutionally and structurally in those systems. In other words, this course synthesizes and analyzes the rhetorical structures and disciplinary conventions by which we communicate, by examining them through the filter of trash.