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Dissertation Writing Institute

2025 Dissertation Writing Institute

May 6 - June 24, 2025

Participants attend the Dissertation Writing Institute in-person, Monday-Thursday from 10:00 am–3:00 pm.

The DWI is designed for graduate students who want to make effective progress on their dissertation and who:

  1. are able to commit to an 8-week in-person program;
  2. have completed research or data collection;
  3. have conceptualized principal elements of the dissertation; and 
  4. are actively engaged in writing their dissertation. Nominees must have at least one chapter completed and approved by their advisor.

Accepted fellows will be provided office space to work and should expect to be present Monday through Thursday during the Spring term 2025. In addition, fellows will be expected to engage in scheduled group discussions to share writing and give/receive feedback. DWI co-directors Cat Cassel and Louis Cicciarelli will offer regular access to writing consultation on your work. Rackham and Sweetland will support each graduate student selected with a stipend up to $5000 for the spring term, determined by each student's spring/summer funding.

If you accept this fellowship, you agree to hold no other position that conflicts with your daily DWI hours, 10-3pm, Monday through Thursday, from May 6–June 24, 2025. You also agree to working full-time on your dissertation. DWI fellows can take up to three working days to attend a professional conference in which they present their work. (We do not consider participation at one conference during the DWI a prior commitment, but professional development.) However, if you have prior commitments that will take you away from the DWI for more than three working days, please do not apply this year.

Students selected to participate in the Institute will be required to sign a letter agreeing to these terms.

Department Nomination

Department Chairs and Directors nominate up to four advanced graduate students who they believe will benefit by participating in this Institute. You can inquire with your Department chair about nominations. The nomination, containing the following information, should be emailed to Laura Schuyler (

  • Student's name(s) and email address
  • Dissertation Chair's name(s) and email address

Department nominations for Spring 2025 are due January 17, 2025.

Students will then be contacted by Sweetland and asked to apply.

Student Application Materials

Nominated students will be asked to submit the following as a single PDF to Laura Schuyler ( 

  • Application cover sheet (.docx file)
  • A letter explaining writing issues you would like to address during the DWI; how interacting with a Sweetland faculty member and a group of peers will support your writing; affirming your commitment to being in-person for the 8-week program; and a brief paragraph on the topic and scope of your dissertation. This letter should be two pages, single-spaced.
  • One chapter
  • Curriculum vitae


Application materials are due February 3, 2025.

You will be notified by February 28, 2025, if you have been accepted.

The Dissertation Writing Institute is supported by the College of Literature, Science & the Arts, the Rackham Graduate School, and the Sweetland Center for Writing.