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Sweetland offers three ways for currently-enrolled, U-M Ann Arbor undergraduate students to receive writing support:

Writing Workshop

Meet with a Sweetland faculty member in-person or online to discuss your course-related writing. Personal writing such as resumes and application materials are not accepted. Appointments are 30 minutes. Students may use Writing Workshop once per week.

Peer Writing Center

Meet with a Sweetland-trained, undergraduate Peer Writing Consultant in-person or online to discuss any one piece of writing, personal or course-related. Appointments are 45 minutes. Students may use one Peer Writing Center service per day.

Asynchronous Written Feedback

This service of the Peer Writing Center allows you to submit your personal or course-related writing, and receive written feedback. Consultants spend up to 45 minutes on your writing (limit 1 piece of writing under 8 pages).

Which service do I use?

If your writing is course-related, use any service you'd like. We find students benefit the most from one-to-one consultations in Writing Workshop or the Peer Writing Center.

If your writing is personal (resumes, cover letters, application essays, and other writing not related to the courses you are enrolled in), use the Peer Writing Center and Asynchronous Written Feedback, not Writing Workshop.

Who you meet with: Writing Workshop consultations are held with teaching U-M Sweetland faculty. Peer Writing Center consultations are held with Sweetland-trained undergraduate Peer Writing Consultants. Asynchronous Written Feedback is provided by undergraduate Peer Writing Consultants. 

Appointment length: Writing Workshop consultations are 30 minutes. Peer Writing Center and Asynchronous Written Feedback consultations are 45 minutes. 

If you have extended-time accommodations through SSD, you are able to make 60-minute appointments at Writing Workshop. Visit our Accessibility page for information about how to request accommodations for your appointment.

Appointment frequency: Writing Workshop appointments are limited to one per week, with a maximum of 15 appointments per full term, including walk-ins.  Peer Writing Center appointments are limited to one per day (this includes Asynchronous Written Feedback which is operated by the Peer Writing Center. You cannot make a Peer Writing Center and an Asynchronous Written Feedback appointment for the same day).

Locations and Hours

Writing Workshop

January 8 - April 22

North Quad 1310 and Video Meetings online
Monday-Friday 9am-4pm 

Peer Writing Center

January 21- April 22

Shapiro Undergraduate Library 2160
Sunday 7-10pm
Monday & Tuesday 3-10pm
Wednesday 5-8pm
Thursday 3-8pm

Alice Lloyd Hall 1059
Tuesday-Thursday 6-8pm

Video Meetings & Asynchronous Written Feedback
Sunday 7-10pm
Monday-Thursday 12-10pm

What Happens At Your Consultation?

Most sessions begin with a brief discussion of the assignment you're working on and the kind of help you're looking for.

Come prepared to participate in an active collaboration with your consultant -- for example, by asking and answering questions, reading through the paper aloud, generating ideas, making notes on your own draft, etc.

An effective session will often focus on global concerns (e.g., thesis, ideas, evidence, organization) before addressing local concerns such as grammar and punctuation.

Consultants can help you identify patterns of error, proofread more effectively, and improve clarity and style. If you’re ready to address local concerns, expect to focus on one or two concerns per consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

I need help with application materials, but the Peer Writing Center is closed or full, who can help?

If you are an LSA student, you can use the Opportunity Hub's Coaching Support. The Opportunity Hub also has Resume Resources on Canvas. STAMPS students have access to STAMPS Writing Consultations.

Can you check my citations?

If you only need citation-related assistance, please visit the U-M Library's Citation Management for dedicated services and resources for citing your work.