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Samer Ali
Arabic language and literature; literary salons in the Islamic Middle Ages.
Near Eastern Studies
4072 South Thayer Building
Kathryn Babayan
Medieval and early-modern Persianate world, focusing on the cultural, social and political histories of Iran, Iraq, Anatolia, and parts of Central Asia, Persian-speaking regions in which Islam was diversely “translated” in the processes of conversion.
History and Near Eastern Studies
4012 South Thayer Building
Eric Beuerlein
History of French and Romance languages, particularly sound change during the medieval period.
Laurel Billings
English Language and Literature / Women's and Gender Studies
Gabriele Boccaccini
Second Temple Judaism and Christian origins; history and theology of Jewish-Christian relation from ancient times to the present.
Near Eastern Studies
4145 South Thayer Building
Gina Brandolino
Late medieval English literature; religious narratives, especially saints’ lives and miracle stories; early English literature and canonicity.
Sweetland Center/ English Languages and Literature
1322 North Quad
David Brick
Sanskrit literature and premodern India
Asian Languages and Cultures
202 South Thayer Street
5139 STB
Catherine Brown
Medieval literature; literary theory; comparative literature.
Residential College / Comparative Literature
812 East Washington Street
Miranda Brown
Premodern China, especially antiquarianism and the history and historiography of science.
Asian Languages and Cultures
6111 South Thayer Building
Victor Caston
Ancient and medieval philosophy, mind and metaphysics.
Department of Philosophy
435 S. State Street
Nachiket Chanchani
South Asian and Himalayan art, architecture, and visual culture
120A Tappan Hall
Paroma Chatterjee
The medieval Mediterranean, medieval image theories, ekphrasis, and sculpture.
History of Art
Tappan Hall
Erdem Cipa
Ottoman empire; Middle East; Balkans
History and Near Eastern Studies
3012 South Thayer Building
Cameron Cross
Classical Persian literature, especially the epic, lyric, panegyric, romantic, and didactic verse of the tenth to fifteenth centuries.
Near Eastern Studies
3155 South Thayer Building
Christian de Pee
Tang-Song-Yuan China; representations of imperial power, text and writing; archaeology.
Department of History
2749 Haven Hall
Office Hours F2017, Wednesday 3-5
Basil Dufallo
Latin literature; Roman culture; text and image; performance studies; Classical reception.
Classical Studies
435 S. State Street
Yaron Eliav
Cultural environment of Roman Palestine with emphasis on the encounter between Jews and Graeco-Roman culture.
Near Eastern Studies
4151 South Thayer Building
Benjamin Fortson
Greek and Latin language and literature, Indo-Euorpean comparative philology, and historical linguistics.
Classical Studies 734.764.1579
Enrique García Santo-Tomás
Frank P. Casa Collegiate Professor of Spanish
4402 MLB
Romance Languages & Literatures; Tenure-track; Spanish; Faculty
Elliot Ginsburg
Jewish mysticism; ritual studies; emotion and the senses; Hasidism; medieval and modern Jewish thought; notions of time and sacred time.
Near Eastern Studies
3016 South Thayer Building
Linda Gregerson
Early modern English drama; lyric and narrative poetry; Reformation nationalism; subject formation; colonialism; conversion.
3026 Angell Hall - 1003 734.764.6369
Gottfried Hagen
Ottoman historical, political, geographical writings; Ottoman Islam and Muslim religiosity; pre-19th century Ottoman history; Ottoman-Turkish language; Turkish history.
202 South Thayer Street, Suite 4111, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.763.1596
David J. Hancock
Business and Economic History; Atlantic World;Early-Modern Britain and Empire; Early-Modern Portugal and Empire; Colonial America
1029 Tisch Hall 734.763.7859
Clement Hawes
Restoration and eighteenth-century satire; early modern novel; eighteenth-century visual caricature; 'madness' and early modern political rhetoric; travel and travelogues; early imperialism and resistance.
Genevra Higginson
Department of History of Art
Early modern transfers of knowledge and the confluence of fine art and natural sciences in the print culture of seventeenth-century Italy and France
George Hoffmann
Sixteenth-century French literature, Renaissance studies.
4126 MLB - 1275 734.647.2329
Megan Holmes
Italian Renaissance social and cultural history; monasticism and the arts; sacred images in the Renaissance.
Reginald Jackson
Premodern Japanese culture via three fields: literature, art history and performance studies.
Raevin Jimenez
Gender history from 9th to 20th c. in southern Africa.
2518 Haven Hall
Valerie A. Kivelson
Medieval and early modern Russia; history of cartography; comparative witchcraft, religion, politics and culture.
Alexander Knysh
Social and religious history of South Arabia, especially the Cult of Saints; local manuscript traditions; teaching institutions; social stratification; tribal organization.
202 South Thayer Street, Suite 3111, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.615.1963
Julia LaPlaca
Department of History of Art
Late Medieval/Early Modern visual culture of Northern Europe, with an emphasis in tapestries; history of art collecting.
Victor B. Lieberman
Political, economic and cultural change in mainland SE Asia c. 800-1850, with an emphasis on Eurasian comparisons in this period.
Donald S. Lopez Jr.
Late Indian Mahayana Buddhism; Tibetan Buddhism.
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.615.1331
Karla Mallette
Medieval Mediterranean literature in Italian, Arabic, Latin; translation between Greek, Arabic and Latin during the Middle Ages.
4108 MLB, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275 734.647.2351
Bruce Mannheim
Professor, Anthropology
234-A West Hall 734.763.4259
Donka Markus
Post-classical Latin.
435 S. State Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003 734.615.3534
Peggy McCracken
Director, Institute for the Humanities; Medieval French and Occitan literature, gender and sexuality, women's studies.
812 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1275
Stefano Mengozzi
Lute; modal and hexachordal theory in the late middle ages and Renaissance, as well as on the musical repertory from that period.
702 Burton Tower - 1270 734.647.1890
Kenneth Mills
Iberian Atlantic; early modern Catholic Christianities; colonial Latin America
1029 Tisch Hall
Farina Mir
Colonial South Asia; Islam in South Asia; history of the British Empire; language and society.
1029 Tisch Hall 734.647.5416
Ellen Muehlberger
Christianity in late Antiquity.
202 South Thayer Street, Suite 4163, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.615.2960
6139 STB
202 S Thayer St
Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608
Susan Scott Parrish
Colonial American literatures, 1500-1800; history of science; nature writing; gift and epistolary theory; gender; ecocriticism.
Adela Pinch
Eighteenth-century British literature; lyric poetry; the novel; women’s studies; feminist criticism.
3178 Angell Hall - 1003 764.6330
David Porter
Literary trends in China and England in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, involving excursions into world literature, translation theory, comparative political and economic history, and Ming dynasty philosophy.
435 S. State St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1003
Helmut Puff
German literature, culture, history of the 15th and 16th centuries; Reformation; northern Renaissance; gender studies; crime and society; humanism; materiality of textual transmission; history of printing.
Catherine Sanok
Middle English literature; women's textual traditions; hagiography; religious narrative; 15th century literature and culture.
3178 Angell Hall - 1003 764.6330,
Tad Schmaltz
History of early modern philosophy; philosophy of science.
Michael Schoenfeldt
Early modern English literature; early modern history; courtesy literature; history of medicine; religious literature.
3159 Angell 1003 764.6378
Elizabeth Sears
European representational arts of the High and Later Middle Ages, especially manuscript illumination, religious and secular iconography and historiography.
Paolo Squatriti
Early medieval Europe; the Mediterranean; environmental history; technology.
Louise Stein
Early modern music, theater, and society; theater and opera; Latin American colonial music and literature; Spanish music and culture; baroque and Renaissance music.
Bailey Sullivan
Department of History of Art
The art of imaginative and physical travel in the European Middle Ages, especially materiality of both secular and sacred objects as evidence of medieval globality, as well as manuscript cartography.
Ryan Szpiech
Cultures and literatures of medieval Iberia, especially interaction, exchange, and conflict; the concept of translation as a tool for defining the relations between Jews, Muslims, and Christians.
Achim Timmermann
Medieval and early modern art and architecture.
150A Tappan Hall 734.763.6112
Theresa Tinkle
Medieval English and Latin literature, drama; medieval and early modern Bible reception; gender and religion; manuscript and early print culture; Christian images of Islam and Judaism.
3178 Angell Hall - 1003 764.6330
Hitomi Tonomura
History, society, and cultures of premodern Japan through the 18th century; sexuality; birth-giving; gender relations; masculinity; property relations; autobiography.
1029 Tisch Hall 734.647.7298
Thomas Toon
Old English, early Middle English; early English paleography and manuscript studies; regional and social dialectology.
3178 Angell Hall - 1003 764.6330
Valerie Traub
Early modern cultural studies, especially Renaissance drama; gender studies, queer studies, and the history of sexuality.
1122 Lane Hall -- 1290 763.2047
Gustavo Verdesio
Colonial Latin America; pre-Columbian cultures; the conquest and colonization of the Americas.
Surface Mail: 812 East Washington Street | 4108 MLB, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1275 734.647.2645
Trent Walker
Buddhism, literature, and music in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, from the medieval period to the present.