- Budget and Finance
- Chairs and Directors
- Facilities and Operations
- Faculty Academic Affairs
- Graduate Education
- Human Resources
- LSA Advancement
- LSA DEI Office
- LSA Research Office
- Office of the Dean
- Professional Development
- Security and Safety
- Standard Practice Guide
- Student Academic Affairs
- Technology Services
- Undergraduate Education
The goal of LSA Advancement is to support, through fundraising, the educational priorities of the Dean and the College. Through direct appeals to Alumni and leveraging meaningful opportunities with donors, LSA Advancement researches, cultivates, and stewards gift opportunities for the College.
Major and Planned Giving
Regional major gift officers engage closely with donors, alumni, friends of the college, and colleagues in LSA departments and programs to build lifelong donor relationships and close substantial gifts for college priorities. While the main focus is on cash gifts and pledges of $100,000 or more, major gift staff assist with important gifts at all levels and sometimes partner with the planned giving director to document bequests and other deferred (estate) gifts. Major gift officers work closely with development legal services and LSA units to ensure that gift agreement documents provide clear guidance on donor intent and administrative expectations. Major gift officers also act as Advancement liaisons to LSA departments and programs, facilitating alumni and donor engagement on many different levels.
Major Gift Officers - Gift Officer Program and Department Liaison List
Planned Giving - Janel Alpert alpertj@umich.edu
LSA Annual Giving Program
LSA Annual Giving Program raises money for annual, expendable accounts including the LSA Funds and Department Strategic Funds. The LSA Fund raises annual dollars for the college's most immediate needs, which include program support, faculty support, and student support (scholarships, internships, and global experiences). The college promotes the LSA Fund through direct mail, LSA Magazine, electronic solicitations, promotions, Telefund, digital fundraising, social media, and newsletters. We can help your unit raise money for its annual priorities via the following services: strategic planning, fundraising/appeal writing, digital fundraising, Giving Blueday planning, events, analytical reports, alumni lists, address labels, and tracking. Our leadership annual giving officer also meets with alumni, parents, and friends of the university to raise leadership annual fund gifts in the range of $1,000 - $25,000 for college priorities.
Michael Stickel-Reed michreed@umich.edu
College Connections
The College Connections Team engages alumni and friends in the life of the college through education, advocacy, and outreach programs. We believe that post-graduation involvement is integral to both the LSA student and alumni experience; therefore, with every interaction, we strive to create a culture of giving and engagement (time, skills, and financial resources) with our alumni and friends. The LSA College Connections Program facilitates the LSA Summer Mentorship Program, Young Alumni Council, and Young Alumni Newsletter, amongst other offerings.
Development Communications
The Development Communications Team supports major gift fundraising efforts for specific funding priorities. Our team creates materials used by major gift officers to share college and department needs with donors, and writes stories for the LSA website, department newsletters, and other outlets to highlight the impact of gifts. MGO liaisons work with departments to identify their fundraising priorities, and then engage our team to develop materials that communicate these funding opportunities to prospective donors. Departments may request updates to their funding priorities document by contacting the Development Communications Team at lsa-advancement-services@umich.edu.
Major Gift Officers - Gift Officer Program and Department Liaison List
Other - lsa-advancement-services@umich.edu
The LSA Stewardship Team cultivates and nurtures lifelong relationships between donors and the college by celebrating the impact of their generosity. We provide assistance with donor recognition and gift impact reporting.