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Updated Policy FAQs

Why is this change happening?

The previous policy was not clear regarding major/minor electives and other courses in the major/minor department. LSAs policy requires a student to have a major/minor GPA of at least 2.0 in order to graduate and includes all courses required for the major AND in the major subject area. Prior to the first Covid term (Winter 2020) students could only elect pass/fail grading during the drop/add period (first 3 weeks of the full term). Very few students elected courses in their major/minor or major/minor department as pass/fail. With the extension of pass/fail grading to the last day of class between Winter 2020 and Summer 2024, we have seen a significant increase in the number of students electing pass/fail grading which has led to many issues: students needlessly repeating courses and not receiving credit for second attempts, students having to uncover grades prior to graduation and not being eligible GPA-wise, etc. This update clarifies the expectations regarding major/minor courses to prevent future issues for students.


How do I know what courses are required for my major/minor?

Major and minor requirements are listed under each major/minor on the LSA Majors & Minors website.


How do I know which courses are in my major/minor subject area or field?

You can identify which subject areas are part of your major/minor by looking at the “Distribution Policy” for each major/minor found under each major and minors Requirements page. For example, the Microbiology major considers the following subjects as part of the department/field: BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, EPID, INTMED, and MICRBIOL. 

LSA Major & Minor page → select major/minor → click on Requirements → scroll down to Distribution Policy


Microbiology Major

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Can I take a prerequisite for my major/minor pass/fail?

That depends on the major/minor. Some majors/minors have specific grade requirements for prerequisites (i.e. Economics requires at least a grade of C for ECON 101, 102, AND MATH115). Others (such as MCDB) allow some prerequisites to be taken pass/fail while others must be graded. Most require all prerequisites to be taken for a grade. Information on if any prerequisites may be taken pass/fail is found under the Requirements section for each major/minor on the LSA Majors & Minors page. Typically this information is located under “Prerequisites” or “Grade Policies”.  If no information is provided regarding specific grades or pass/fail for prerequisites, the prerequisites must be taken for a grade (Example: Spanish major). 


Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Major

Grade Policies

The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade. Prerequisites other than introductor biology may be taken pass/fail; however, it is not recommended, especially for chemistry. Remember that at least a C- must be earned to pass a course taken pass/fail.


Does this policy apply to courses I’m taking in another school or college?

Yes. This policy applies to all LSA students regardless of the school/college of the courses they are taking. For example, if you are taking an EECS or Ross course → if it is required for your major/minor or a major/minor elective it may not be taken pass/fail.


I’ve registered for a major elective but now want to take it pass/fail - can I do that? 

Unless the course is crosslisted with another department you may not take it pass fail. If it is crosslisted with another department and will not be used to fulfill a major/minor requirement your major/minor advisor will need to put in an exception to exclude it from your major/minor in order for you to elect pass/fail grading for the course.


I took a few courses pass/fail before declaring my major - and they fulfill major requirements. What happens to those courses? 

When you declare your major, your major advisor should request that those courses be uncovered (you can also request they be uncovered by contacting For courses taken prior to Fall 2024, only courses required for the major/minor will need to be uncovered. Elective courses for the major may remain covered BUT they may NOT then be used to fulfill major requirements. 


What happens to the major courses I took pass/fail prior to the Fall 2024 semester?

If you took a course required for your major/minor (i.e. all students in the major/minor have to take that specific course) it will be uncovered during the degree audit process. If you took an elective course for your major/minor (i.e. some majors allow students to elect X credits of 300/400 level coursework but do not specify exact courses) it will not be uncovered and CANNOT be used to fulfill a major requirement. 


I took a major elective pass/fail during the Winter 2022 semester and now want to use it to fulfill a major requirement. Is that possible? 

If the elective course was taken and elected pass/fail PRIOR TO major/minor declaration, a student may request it be uncovered to fulfill a major/minor requirement.

If the elective course was taken and elected pass/fail AFTER major/minor declaration, the grade will not be uncovered.