A searchable database of UN nomenclature and special terms, totaling 70 000 entries and updated daily. Search and entries provided in all of the 6 official UN languages: English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
An automatic Chinese-to-English-only online text translator (also outputs pinyin). Although less reliable at the sentence and paragraph levels, input of words and phrases returns fairly accurate results specific to modern Chinese, such as official English names for various commonly-used proper nouns or institution titles.
A two-way Chinese-English online dictionary that provides definitions, related terms, and sample sentences in demonstration of usage.
The searchable official Spanish-to-Spanish dictionary, published by the Real Academia Española (Royal Spanish Academy).
Another searchable Spanish-to-Spanish dictionary published by the Royal Spanish Academy; includes more colloquial terms and terms used specifically in Latin America.
Japanese-to-English translation dictionary that can provide word- by-word definitions for long sentences and paragraphs, published by Tokyo International University
Japanese only website with a two-way, searchable Japanese-English dictionary that includes definitions, common idioms, related words, pronunciation guides, and links to corresponding Wikipedia entries.
This website provides translation of terms and simple phrases between Chinese and English (both ways), as well as in-depth Chinese-Chinese definitions with related terms in Chinese and English. Other services include traditional-simplified conversion, a Chinese table of elements, list of zip codes for Chinese regions, and conversion between imperial years and the common era.
Babel Linguistics has created dozens of multicultural glossaries for the translation of very technical data. They have compiled many of these glossaries for other linguists and translators to consult. The glossaries are listed by industry and the language(s) of each glossary is noted.
Contains links to on-line dictionaries for many languages.
Contains resources on slang, idioms, and proverbs, as well as some technical dictionaries.
Allows you to search translation dictionaries and technical glossaries in many languages. There is also a searchable database of glossaries on the web.
Weblio English-Japanese Dictionary is a free, comprehensive online service that integrates multiple English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionaries. It enables users to search for translations and definitions with accuracy and ease.
What did we miss? Are there particular resources you find helpful and have used on Language Bank projects? Let us know at lrc.langbank@gmail.com and we’ll add it to the list.