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Facility and Reservations

Our Facility

The Language Resource Center offers various spaces to support the teaching of languages:

  • Bring your class to practice their oral skills use our Digital Language Lab (DiLL).
  • Screen a movie in our Video Viewing Room
  • Engage with online media or resources from our computer classrooms
  • Bring in a guest lecturer via videoconference
  • Hold office hours in an Alcove
  • Create an audio podcast or a video lesson in our studio

LRC Computer Classrooms (Mac and PC)

The LRC manages 2 computer classrooms, available for faculty to reserve for special class sessions that require active student engagement with the computer. Each room contains: 24 individual computer stations, a teacher's station, a document camera, mulitple projectors screens and whiteboards.

If your desired date/time is not available, please email We are happy to work with you to find a solution!

Reserve a Computer Classroom

LRC PC Classroom  |  View Schedule

LRC Mac Classroom  |  View Schedule

The Video Viewing Room (VVR)

The LRC offers instructors use of our video screening room which seats 30 comfortably. Activities that are supported in this classroom are: viewing VHS videos and DVDs (all formats and regions), computer/internet and laptop presentations, and video-conferencing guest lectures.

View VVR Schedule
Reserve Video Viewing Room


The LRC has 4 separate alcoves for semi-private group meetings. Each alcove is outfitted with a dry-erase board, table, chairs, and a computer station. Instructors, tutors, and clubs are able to make reservations, but when not reserved, the alcoves can be used by anyone on a walk-in basis. Alcoves A and B contain Mac computers, C and D contain PC computers.

View Alcove Schedules - Alcove A, Alcove B, Alcove C, Alcove D
Reserve an Alcove

Audio and Video Production Studios

The LRC has 2 small production studios, 1 audio, 1 video. These studios are available for faculty to use under supervision of our production staff. LRC staff will also work with you to find offsite locations and record your media.

Audio Studio Contact:  Phill Cameron (
Video Studio Contact:  
Alfonso Sintjago (

Media Lab 

The Media Lab provides 2 flat screen monitors for videoconferencing, and seats up to 10 people for small class instruction, with access to laptops if needed.

View Media Lab Schedule 
Reserve the Media Lab

Media Library

We have resources to help you with your language studies. Some materials are for use in the LRC only, but others can be checked out for up to 2 weeks at a time:

  • Textbooks and dictionaries
  • Magazines
  • Literature and readers
  • Audio materials
  • Videos and DVDs
  • Self-study kits

LRC Catalog

Request Streaming Media for Canvas

Request a Purchase for the LRC Media Library