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The LRC can help you integrate technology into your curriculum effectively and successfully! We offer regular workshops open to instructors, as well as small group workshops and one-on-one consultation. Whether you need to learn the basics of PowerPoint, how to set up a Canvas site, or how to incorporate an emerging technology into the curriculum, we can help. 

In addition to the vast knowledge that our own staff maintains, we have an extensive network of instructional technology colleagues around campus and the world that offer you a rich knowledge base from which to benefit. 

We will also hold training sessions for your students when you adopt a new technology into your class. Come talk to us about your interests! 

Or, look at the workshops currently being offered on campus through the collaboration of many different support units!

  • Workshops, presentations, and showcases on academic technology strategies and integration issues
  • Graduate student orientation and training
  • Class sessions (for undergraduates) on media, technology, or software tied to the curriculum
  • Guest lecture in graduate and undergraduate level pedagogy courses on the effective use and integration of technology and resources into the curriculum
  • One-on-one training sessions specific to an area of inquiry or instruction
  • Special request workshops and training for language programs or groups of course instructors throughout the academic year. LRC staff have also worked with graduate and undergraduate level pedagogy courses on effective use and integration of technology and resources into the curriculum