Looking for a language tutor? There are several options for students enrolled in U-M language classes. Language tutors may provide assistance in understanding and explaining grammatical and cultural concepts, vocabulary and conversation practice. Tutors will not correct homework or proofread/edit papers assigned as classwork. The tutoring listed below is available at no cost to students.
Tutoring is offered by LRC Peer Tutor Program. These tutors have been identified to have a high level of proficiency in the target language by their respective language program, and are available for students who are currently enrolled in a U-M language class.
Various student language clubs also offer tutoring at no cost to UM students. These volunteers are passionate and accomplished language students who volunteer their time to aid their peers to be successful in the chosen language. Many student language clubs also offer conversation times outside of tutoring hours, for more information contact the club directly. The Residential College (RC) offers lunchtime language tables, other dorms and programs may also offer conversation hours. Check with your department for more information.
Language Tutors Schedule for Winter 2025
All sessions take place in the Language Resource Center, 1500 North Quad, unless otherwise noted.
Private Tutors
This site below allows U-M students and members of the surrounding Ann Arbor community to register as, and search for, a language tutor or a conversation partner. Tutors will list the fees for their services, costs will vary depending on experience. Some language departments also have a list on their website of tutors available that are affiliated with their specific language programs.
Please Note:
Neither the Language Resource Center nor the University of Michigan endorses ANY participant in and/or from this site. Please use discretion before agreeing to or paying for any tutoring service. YOU are solely responsible for ALL relevant exchanges with any service you choose to use. Please see the Disclaimers section for more information.
Tutors, please be aware of internet safety. We recommend only accepting work in the local community where there is less of a chance for fraud. We have had reports of tutors being solicited to work with students outside of the US, which seem to involve scams. For more information on possible internet scams, visit the IC3 website. Additionally, please be conscious about giving out personal telephone numbers or addresses; we also strongly suggest meeting tutors/tutees in a public place.