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Returning Housing Sign-Up

The LSA Honors Program’s South Quadrangle Residence Hall residential community sign-up will take place online. Please read the following information carefully. If you do not follow these procedures, you will not get a room in Honors Housing next year.

Honors Housing is located in South Quad. We have reserved spaces in the following South Quad Houses: Frederick, Taylor, Hunt, and Bush. Single-gender and substance-free housing options are available in Frederick House. We plan to make Bush House (5th and 6th floors) our reserved space for returning Honors students, although we have also made selected singles in other houses available to returners. Returning students who follow the procedures outlined below will have the opportunity to select one of these reserved rooms, subject to the terms of the Housing registration process.  


Only rising Sophomore students who are currently members of the Honors Program and in good standing are eligible for Honors Housing.  Unfortunately, we are not able to grant exceptions to this policy.

  • For deadlines, dates, and signup, go to Student Life | Housing.
  • You will need to indicate that you are planning to return to Housing by registering online via the Housing Sign-Up Page.
  • If you have a roommate request, you and your roommate must register requesting each other as roommates. Your roommate must also be in the Honors Program.
  • The Housing Office’s Roommate Finder link will open for students who are seeking roommates. You will be able to log on, create your own profile and search the profiles of other students who plan to return to University Housing via the Sign-Up process. Remember that all students in Honors Housing, including roommates, must be in the Honors Program. Roommates must each submit their own housing contracts independently.
  • If you miss any of Housing's deadlines, you will need to follow Housing Office procedures for late sign-up. We do not have reserved rooms in Honors Housing for late sign-up. Honors students signing up for housing in this period will be in the general University Housing pool and subject to those policies and restrictions. Consult the Housing Office’s Late Sign-Up Page for more details.
  • Honors students currently living off-campus wishing to move to Honors Housing will apply like all other students living off-campus. 
  • If you are an Honors student wanting to live on campus but not in Honors Housing next year, you will need to follow the directions on the Housing Office’s Sign-Up Page.

Please email, with room assignment problems or other housing questions.


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