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Graf-Meiland Scholarships for Rising Seniors - Awards for academic excellence &/or interdisciplinarity

Each year the Honors Program recognizes rising seniors whose academic and co-curricular achievements exemplify the Program's engaged liberal arts philosophy as Otto Graf and Jack Meiland Scholars. These awards honor the late Professors Otto Graf, who served as director of the Honors Program for eighteen years, and Jack Meiland, who championed interdisciplinarity in the Honors curriculum. Scholarships are in the range of $5000 depending on available funding and the number of scholarships granted. Awards are disbursed after decisions are made in March; if the award affects a student's existing financial aid package, the award will be disbursed in the fall of the following academic year.

You do not need to apply separately for the Graf and Meiland competitions. The Meiland Scholarship will be awarded to the applicant of the joint competition whose academic work best exemplifies the principles of creativity and interdisciplinarity espoused by Professor Meiland.



Submitting Your Application: When you have completed the essay questions in the application text boxes, and attached the supplemental PDFs (2-page resume, UM and non-UM transcripts), please hit “Submit” at the bottom of your application.

Remember, all applications must be submitted by 12 noon on the final Monday of February in order to be considered.


Questions? Email


Honors is required to post the following statements regarding student awards:  If a student receives an award or grant from Honors, it will be credited to their account through Wolverine Access. If the account is already fully covered by financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans), the award may reduce the balance of the loans or other aid. Occasionally, awards are credited without proper adjustments, resulting in an improper check or deposit to the student. If this happens, you may be asked by Student Financial Services to return the full amount. Please know that the LSA Honors Program will make every effort to avoid this situation. The financial aid package of every student receiving an award from Honors is reviewed. The Office of Financial Aid is consulted to resolve any issues. If an award cannot be given without affecting existing financial aid, the award will not be processed and the student will be notified.

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