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Honors Conversions

Honors courses are offered in a wide variety of disciplines to allow you as much flexibility as possible in choosing courses that meet your interests and academic goals. We realize, however, that in a college with thousands of courses offered each term, there is no way we can offer an Honors component for every course that Honors students are interested in taking.  If you find a course that has no Honors component and does not meet Honors requirements by being an advanced election, you may choose to do a conversion project to receive Honors credit for the course.

Honor conversions have three central components:

  1. expansion or enrichment of  the current course curriculum,
  2. regular contact with the instructor for feedback, guidance, and discussion of your project,
  3. a culminating project or experience that pulls your semester’s work together.  The format of this culminating experience should be designed to fit your individual project, and may vary from one conversion to another.  Leading a class discussion, designing a study guide for your class, presenting your project in class, writing up your results in a final paper, reflection piece, or lab report, creating a multi-media presentation of your material, directing a dramatic performance, writing a musical, curating a display:  all of these (and more) are possible.

Additional Resources:

Examples of Successful Conversions

The deadline for Winter semester proposals is January 28, 2025.

Conversion Information for Supervising Faculty

LSA Honors Chat