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Cuba: An Agroecological Revolution

Monday, September 8, 2014
4:00 AM
School of Natural Resources and the Environment--Room 2024

Fernando Funes is currently a researcher at the Instituto de Investigaciones de Pastes y Forrajes (IIPF), an agronomy research center in Havana, Cuba. But he has long been involved in sustainable agriculture as a member of organizations such as the Grupo de Agricultura Organica (organic farming group) and the Asociación Cubana de Técnicos Agricolas y Forestales (agricultural and forestry technicians' association). For more than 20 years, Fernando Funes has maintained that his country's future agricultral production lies in organic and urban farming. Cuba depended to a great extent on the Soviet Union, and since its collapse Fernando has worked hard to promote sustainable agriculture to help Cubans make a living. In 1999 he and Maria del Carmen Pérez received the Right Livelihood Award.

Dr. Fernando Funes, researcher, Instituto de Investigaciones de Pastes y Forrajes (IIPF)