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Ten Years of Researching Mexican Immigrants and their Religious Life in the U.S.A.

Monday, April 2, 2012
4:00 AM
Room 1636 School of Social Work Building

A public talk by Patricia Fortuny Loret de Mola

Between 2000 and 2010 and under the auspices of several institutions, Fortuny was involved in research on Mexican immigrants, beginning with Texas, then California and Florida, and finally Georgia. Each research project had its specific objectives, although all looked at religion and migration variables. Fortuny’s several studies explored, among other things, the incorporation of religion into immigrants’ lives, their interaction with religious institutions, popular religion, lived religion, and belief without belonging. The analysis was focused on observing and explaining the transnational processes impacting the churches under study. In the span of ten years, the guest speaker has dialogued not only with migration specialists who discounted the importance of religion, but also with religion specialists who ignored religion’s fundamental role in migration processes. Both groups of scholars taught her how to weigh each variable according to the specific case.

Please click here for detailed flyer;

Patricia Fortuny Event Flyer

Cosponsored by LACS, Latina/o Studies, the Program in American Culture, and the Department of History.