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Networks of Diaspora: Migration, Exchange, and Anti-Racism in Cuba, Haiti, and the US (1880-1912)

Thursday, October 27, 2011
4:00 AM
Room 1014 Tisch Hall

The Department of African and African American Studies and LACS are pleased to present a workshop discussion about migration and networks of intellectual and political exchange among people of African descent in Cuba, Haiti, and the US between 1880 and 1912. Professor Marial Iglesias Utset (University of Havana) will discuss new discoveries about ties between Haitian anthropologist Anténor Firmin, author of De l'Égalité des Races Humaines (1885), and Antillean nationalists. Professor Hoffnung-Garskof (U-M History and American Culture) will discuss new research about ties between Cuban exiles of color in New York and African American journalists, freemasons, and civil rights leaders.