Keynote Address
Prof. Georges Fouron
(State University of New York, Stony Brook)
Monday, May 10th
Panel I: “From Plantation Society to Independent Nation: A Panel on Haitian History”
Graham Nessler (University of Michigan), “Political and
Philosophical Debates over Emancipation and Citizenship in Santo Domingo under the French Republic, 1795-1800”
Julia Gaffield (Duke University), “Trade, War, and
Sovereignty: Diplomacy and Migration in Independent Haiti,
Prof. Robert Fatton Jr. (University of Virginia), “The legacy of History and the Politics of the Earthquake”
Chair: Marvin Chochotte (University of Michigan)
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
1:30-3:30pm “„Ann Rebati Kay La? [Let?s Rebuild the House]: Nation Building, Haitian Style” by Prof. Michael Largey (Michigan State University)
3:30-4:00pm Break
4:00-6:00pm Keynote Address by Prof. Georges Fouron
(SUNY, Stony Brook), “„We Need a Responsible State in Haiti?: Haitian Transmigrants and Civil
Society in Haiti in the Heels of the January 12, 2010 Earthquake”
Tuesday, May 11th
Panel II: “Transnational Communities, I: The
Political and Historical Contexts of Haitian
Prof. Karen Richman (University of Notre Dame), “Run From the Earthquake, Fall into the Abyss: A Léogane Paradox”
Prof. Carlos Altagracia (University of Puerto Rico,
Arecibo), “Frontera y nación en la República Dominicana durante la Era de Trujillo” (“Border and Nation in the ominican Republic During the Trujillo Era”)
Chair: Prof. Georges Fouron (SUNY, Stony Brook)
12:00-1:30pm Lunch
Panel III: “Transnational Communities, II: Haitian Political and Social Activism in Haiti and Abroad”
Colette Lespinasse, Director of the Support Group for Refugees and Repatriated Persons (GARR), Haiti
Carl Sherson Clermont from Pastorale
Universitaire, Port au Prince, Haiti
Marcia Báez Hernández from El Movimiento de Mujeres Dominico-Haitiana (MUDHA), Dom. Rep.
Dr. María Méndez Castro from Centro de Asesoría e Investigaciones Legales (CEDAIL), Dom. Rep.
Chair: Lenny A. Ureña (University of Michigan)
Photos by Graham Nessler
Co-Sponsors: LACS, CWPS, and History