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Peronist Argentina Reconsidered: New Evidence on Peron's Foreign Economic Policy

Friday, November 20, 2009
5:00 AM
1644 SSWB (International Institute)

Professor Claudia Kedar will give a talk about Peron, the US and the IMF/World Bank entitled "Peronist Argentina Reconsidered: New Evidence on Peron's foreign economic policy". Professor Kedar is also teaching a mini course on "The New Economic Order: Latin America and the International Monetary Fund" in the Fall 2009. More information to come regarding Professor Kedar's talk.

The years of government of Juan Domingo Perón are one of the most broadly studied periods in Argentina’s modern history.  The vast corpus of academic research on the First Peronism (1946-1955), describes it as an emblematic example of the Latin American Populism. In the area of international economic relations, Populism is described as a regime characterized by a profound nationalism and by a radical anti-imperialism. Thus, the classification of Perón as a populist leader, led the researchers to attribute to his government a monolithic and inflexible economic doctrine, embedded in huge doses of economic nationalism, autarchy, and anti-imperialism. In this lecture, I analyze the scope and limitations of these perceived pillars of the economic Populism. The analysis is conducted within the frame of the relations between the Peronist Administration on the one hand, and the United States, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, on the other.