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Introducing Eloisa Cartonera

Monday, October 5, 2009
4:00 AM

Eloisa Cartonera is a work cooperative in the neighborhood of La Boca in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. They produce handmade books with cardboard covers. The cardboard is purchased from the urban pickers ("cartoneros") who pick it from the streets.

Hands-On Workshop

Make your own book using the "cartonera" method.  The workshop is free, but space is limited, so contact April Caldwell ( to sign up.

Reception and Talk

4 PM

Washington Cucurto (founder) and Maria Soledad Gomez of Eloisa Cartonera will talk about their experiences as "cartoner" publishers and about the movement they started, where they are now, and their hopes for the future.  Light refreshments will be served.

For more information on Eloisa Cartonera, please visit the website