Professor, Linguistics
pires@umich.eduOffice Information:
phone: 734.647.2156
Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies; LACS Faculty
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College ParkHighlighted Work and Publications
Subject‐to‐subject raising and the syntax of tense in L2 spanish: A full access approach.
Gonzalo Campos‐Dintrans, Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman
Name of Periodical: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Volume Number: 17
Issue Number: 1
Year of Publication: 2014
Page Numbers: 38-55
The syntax‐semantics of bare and definite plural subjects in the L2 Spanish of English natives
Alejandro Cuza, Pedro Guijarro‐Fuentes, Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman
Name of Periodical: International Journal of Bilingualism
Volume Number: 17
Issue Number: 5
Year of Publication: 2013
Page Numbers: 634-52
On the (Un)-Ambiguity of Adjectival Modification in Spanish Determiner Phrases: Informing Debates on the Mental Representations of L2 Syntax
Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman, Tiffany Judy, Pedro Guijarro-Fuentes
Name of Periodical: Studies in Second Language Acquisition
Volume Number: 32
Issue Number: 1
Year of Publication: 2010
Page Numbers: 47-77
Disentangling sources of incomplete acquisition: An explanation for competence divergence across heritage grammars
Acrisio Pires, Jason Rothman
Name of Periodical: International Journal of Bilingualism
Volume Number: 13
Issue Number: 2
Year of Publication: 2009
Page Numbers: 211-39
doi Number: 10.1177/136700690933980
Minimalist Inquiries into Child and Adult Language Acquisition: Case Studies across Portuguese
Acrisio Pires
Publisher: Mouton de Gruyter
Month of Publication: June
Year of Publication: 2009
Location: Berlin
# of Pages: 354
ISBN: 978-3110215342
The Minimalist Syntax of Defective Domains: Gerunds and Infinitives
Acrisio Pires
Publisher: John Benjamins
Month of Publication: October
Year of Publication: 2006
Location: Amsterdam
# of Pages: 188
ISBN: 978 90 272 3362 2