Emerson F. Greenman Collegiate Professor of Anthropological Archaeology; Curator of Great Lakes Archaeology, Museum of Anthropological Archaeology
joshea@umich.eduOffice Information:
phone: 734.763.5795
Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies; CREES Faculty Associates; Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia; WCEE Faculty
B.A., University of Nebraska, 1974; Diploma, Oxford University, 1975; Ph.D., Archaeology, Cambridge University, 1978Highlighted Work and Publications
A 9,000-year-old Caribou Hunting Structure beneath Lake Huron
J. M. O'Shea, A. K. Lemke, E. P. Sonnenburg, R. G. Reynolds, B. D. Abbott
9,000-year-old Caribou Hunting Structure
Name of Periodical: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Volume Number: 111
Issue Number: 19
Year of Publication: 2014
Page Numbers: 6911–15
"Nobody Knows the Way of the Caribou": Rangifer Hunting at 45° North Latitude
John O'Shea, Ashley K. Lemke, Robert G. Reynolds
Name of Periodical: Quaternary International
Volume Number: 297
Year of Publication: 2013
Page Numbers: 36–44
57. Caribou Hunting in the Upper Great Lakes: Archaeological, Ethnographic, and Paleoenvironmental Perspectives
Elizabeth Sonnenburg, Ashley K. Lemke, John M. O'Shea
Bringing together American and Canadian scholars of Great Lakes prehistory to provide a holistic picture of caribou hunters, this volume covers such diverse topics as paleoenvironmental reconstruction, ethnographic surveys of hunting features with Native informants in Canada, and underwater archaeological research, and presents a synthetic model of ancient caribou hunters in the Great Lakes region. This book is well suited for anyone with interests in Great Lakes prehistory generally, past environments, or the archaeological discovery of the world’s oldest caribou hunting structures...
See More39. Ships and Shipwrecks of the Au Sable Shores Region of Western Lake Huron
John M. O’Shea
Focusing on this area of coastline particularly known for vessel strandings, this volume includes: histories of over 50 lost vessels; a description of remains of vessels and wreckage documented during archaeological research in the area; an analysis of shoreline change in the last 150 years and a model for matching wreckage to lost ships. This book will be of interest to archaeologists...
See More81. The Bridgeport Township Site: Archaeological Investigation at 20SA620, Saginaw County, Michigan
John M. O'Shea, Michael Shott (editors)
Order through Museum of Anthropology Publications, or from Amazon.com.
Publisher: Museum of Anthropology
Month of Publication: January
Year of Publication: 1990
Location: Ann Arbor, MI
# of Pages: 303
Price: $15
See More