Professor, Political Science
franzese@umich.eduOffice Information:
Weiser Hall, 500 Church St.,
Suite 300, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
International Institute; Program in International and Comparative Studies; PICS Faculty; Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia; WCEE Faculty
Harvard University, Ph.D. (Government); Harvard University, A.M. (Government, Economics); Cornell University, B.A. with distinction and Phi Beta Kappa (Government, Economics)Highlighted Work and Publications
Spatial-and Spatiotemporal-Autoregressive Probit Models of Interdependent Binary Outcomes
Robert Franzese, Jude Hays, Scott Cook
Name of Periodical: Political Science Research and Methods
Volume Number: 4
Issue Number: 1
Year of Publication: 2016
Modeling History Dependence in Network-Behavior Coevolution
Robert Franzese, Jude Hays, Aya Kachi
To view the abstract, please click here.
Name of Periodical: Political Analysis
Volume Number: 20
Issue Number: 2
Year of Publication: 2012
Interdependence in Comparative Politics: Substance, Theory, Empirics, Substance
Robert Franzese, Jude Hays
To view the abstract, please click here.
Name of Periodical: Comparative Political Studies
Volume Number: 41
Issue Number: 4/5
Year of Publication: 2008
Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analyses
Robert Franzese, Cindy D. Kam
Social scientists study complex phenomena about which they often propose intricate hypotheses tested with linear-interactive or multiplicative terms. While interaction terms are hardly new to social science research, researchers have yet to develop a common methodology for using and interpreting them. Modeling and Interpreting Interactive Hypotheses in Regression Analysis provides step-by-step guidance on how to connect substantive theories to statistical models and how to interpret and present the results (University of Michigan Press).
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