Professor, Sociology; Research Professor, Survey Research/Population Studies
arlandt@umich.eduOffice Information:
phone: 734.615.3542
Center for Middle Eastern & North African Studies; CMENAS Faculty; CSAS Faculty; Center for South Asian Studies; GISC Faculty; Global Islamic Studies Center; LRCCS Faculty; Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies; ASC Faculty; African Studies Center
PhD University of Michigan, 1975Highlighted Work and Publications
Marriage and Cohabitation
Arland Thonton, William Axinn, Yu Xie
Description from Publisher:
In an era when half of marriages end in divorce, cohabitation has become more commonplace and those who do get married are doing so at an older age. So why do people marry when they do? And why do some couples choose to cohabit? A team of expert family sociologists examines these timely questions in Marriage and Cohabitation, the result of their research over the last decade on the issue of union formation.
Situating their argument...
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