Chemical Biology considers the fundamental chemical principles that govern all biological systems. The UM Chemistry department is home to an exciting multidisciplinary program at the interface of Chemistry and Biology. Synthesis, measurement and theory of biological molecules are important components. Particular areas of expertise are Biological Catalysis, Biomolecular Structure & Function, Chemical Genetics, Imaging & Sensing, Metallo-Biochemistry, RNA Biochemistry, Synthetic Biology & Nanotechnology, Theory & Simulation, and Metallo-Neurochemistry. Laboratory rotations allow students to explore their individual areas of interest before choosing their thesis mentor. Students may also participate unique, NIH-funded UM training programs like Chemistry & Biology Interface, Molecular Biophysics, Cellular Biotechnology, Pharmacological Sciences and Microfluidics in Biomedical Sciences; these inter-disciplinary programs can include internships in industrial settings. We also offer a dynamic Future Faculty Program funded by the US Department of Education.