Self Help Graphics & Art: Art in the Heart of East Los Angeles
Gunckel, Colin
Edited by Colin Gunckel, this second edition of Self Help Graphics & Art brings the original edition up to date, adding breadth and depth to the history of the historic East L.A. arts center. Self Help Graphics has been a national model for community-based art making and art-based community making since its founding in the early 1970s. Known for its groundbreaking printmaking and art education programs, Self Help Graphics has empowered local artists and taught the world about the vibrancy of Chicano/Latino art. A comprehensive guide to the Self Help Graphics & Art archives at the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (CEMA), University of California, Santa Barbara, and an expanded bibliography complete the volume. Contributors include Michael Amescua, Yreina Cervantes, Karen Mary Davalos, Armando Durón, Evonne Gallardo, Colin Gunckel, Kristen Guzmán, Leo Limón, Chon A. Noriega, Peter Tovar, Linda Vallejo, and Mari Cárdenas Yañez. Publisher: UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center Press Month of Publication: January Year of Publication: 2014 Location: Los Angeles, CA