Deconstructing an infamous extinction crisis: Survival of Partula species on Moorea and Tahiti
Deconstructing an infamous extinction crisis: Survival of Partula species on Moorea and Tahiti
Amanda Haponski, Taehwan Lee, and Diarmaid Ó Foighil
How much of the genetic diversity of partulid snails has survived the impacts of the introduction of Euglandina rosea? In their paper on patterns of nuclear genetic variation of Partula from Moorea and Tahiti, Deconstructing an infamous extinction crisis: Survival of Partula species on Moorea and Tahiti, former Mollusk Division postdoc, Amanda Haponski, Mollusk Division Collection Manager, Taehwan Lee, and Mollusk Division Curator, Diarmaid Ó Foighil, reveal that conservation efforts have been able to maintain a large fraction of the genetic variation that was originally present in the pre-Euglandina populations of the five species complexes of these islands.