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Awards & Community Recognition

Telling It guest artists, Ain't Afraid ( perform at Sonic Lunch in Ann Arbor, seen here being greeted by Program Director, Deb

Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel - Honored Instructor - March 2023
Living-Learning Program award for excellence in teaching.

Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel - Golden Apple Award for Outstanding University Teaching - March 2017

Telling It - Roslyn and Jimmy Carter Award - 2009

Telling It - Coming Up Taller Award - 2008
Semifinalist for award given by President Obama’s Committee on the Arts and Humanities.

Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel - University of Michigan Ginsberg Award for Outstanding Faculty Member - 2005
For Service and Social Action

Deb Gordon-Gurfinkel - National Endowment for the Arts - 1994
Received a $10,000 grant as part of The Transit Theatre Project to continue and expand an expressive arts program with children experiencing homelessness in the San Francisco Bay Area.